When I look for the domination patterns at issue, I see that they are exhibited pretty much everywhere. Thus, I try to avoid the right/left, red team/blue, woke/unwoke, etc., dichotomies that are, in my view part of the orchestration of mass consciousness by those whose job it is the divide us into different camps. I have to wonder if it correct to say that the behaviors being exhibited by the so-called “woke” crowd are oriented toward an effort to “question/examine all our inherited religious, cultural, and political beliefs.” That would be a longer conversation. I would suggest a modification of your last sentence: “which were/are based on the presumption that men metaphorically labeled ‘white’ and ‘christian’ were born to dominate and bring ‘Jesus’ and domination to the undominated heathen savages all over the world.” Thanks for reaching out.
Hi, Steven, good to see this post, and your beautiful photo from atop Black Elk Peak.
Since I saw you at your talk in Waterville, I've been contemplating the theme of inner domination dynamics. How does my inner monologue (dialogue?) contain elements of domination, imposed by one part of the self upon another? It maintains the illusion of a fragmented inner life, which in turn allows external "authority" to maintain the fiction of its power over my person.
So yes, the domination patterns exist pretty much everywhere.
When the above contemplation questions a dominating thought, sometimes the weight of domination lifts for a moment, and previously self-hidden things become possible.
The images of Black Elk Peak is a welcome invitation to your first chronicle post of the Gregorian calendar year of 2025 ~ Wanishi Steve.
Wophila thanka for Basil Brave Heart’s dreaming of his grandmother and forgiveness that became the living dream that changed the name of Harney Peak to Black Elk Peak.
The Indian Law framework, must also be applied to or be entrenched in both Indian and non Indian communities to maintain belief and assimilation into domination. It is so entrenched that both left and right wings of the bird are bound by "pledges" to maintain the systems of domination.
John Trudell said that believing isn't thinking, and people are confused about what believing and thinking are. I think people are confused about what thinking and intelligence are too.
Isn’t the whole intent and purpose of the system of domination to create dependency on domination? Isn’t that dependency also a form of assimilation? This makes liberation a "struggle" with domination entrapment. Domination in structure may just eat it’s self.
Mother Earth's dreaming is a whole different reality.
In my matrilineal grief, my Grandmothers said “know where you come from, follow the umbilical threads of ancestral future memory. Know how you, a human being, is made. Your first teacher is Mother Earth, stay true to her.”
Dreaming and envisioning are only 2 of the many powerful human senses, that are now very mis-understood outside of non-domination cultures. Domination has relegated human non-linear and non physical senses to it’s never lands.
April, "the dreaming and envisioning are only 2..." of what i sometimes call off-the-radar ways to get around/beyond/whatever the domination system, as oftentimes the off-the-radar is abetted by spontaneity and impulses from the Earth and spiritual dimensions.... all of which imho loosely fits with "umbilical threads of ancestral future memory."
mmm yeah. "off-the-radar" is often called the "unseen" or occult because people have been dominated to believe (not know, think, or experience) that Spirit-reality isn't "real, valid, rational, etc". However imho the Spirit-reality senses are very powerful for navigating this nowtime of transition, so we want to keep them strong and healthy.
The unseen is so much larger than the seen. So it has more capacity/power to make itself known. Also, all are open to receive from that unseen, spirit-reality, as you so aptly name it. The dominators, of course, are unhappy about this.
"The Indian Law framework, must also be applied to or be entrenched in both Indian and non Indian communities to maintain belief and assimilation into domination. It is so entrenched that both left and right wings of the bird are bound by "pledges" to maintain the systems of domination." YES! When I heard Steve Newcomb's combination translation, much like d'Erico's book - it was an aha, but it instantly clicked into place like an articulation of something I've always felt but didn't have words for. I would love your perspective on Star People and Mother Earth and how this might relate to ancient-future lineages. Are you familiar with The Sophia Code? Its author spent a lot of time in ceremony with Indigenous Elders before channeling the chapter on White Buffalo woman. She also survived elite Satanic ritual and child rape.
Your inquiry: on what my "perspective of Star People and Mother Earth and how this might relate to ancient-future lineages." this is a wonderful inquiry, that resides in the infinite potentiality and mystery of creationing. I think this also has to do with how a person and Peoples live their Relational Responsibilities with their linage of "Star People", and with Mother Earth.
" We are made of earth and sky" John Trudell. Ancestral future memory for me, my linage, is an aspect of the dreaming (dreams, visions and navigating spirit reality). Although most people say they can't remember anything prior to 3-5yrs old, I was born a dreamer with some of my personal ancestral future memory intact because of an agreement I made. How any person may translate this experiential sensory information is usually through an intimate relationship with themselves and the person's language, worldview and culture. Some years ago, Charlie CetanWi Lame Deer, (he was a descendant now ancestar of John and Archie Fire Lame Deer), hand wrote me the story passed from John about the "Big People, Little People and Elk Man" and sent it snail mail to me - the narrative is from the time of the Great Flood and tells how modern day humans in this current world are the children, the descendants from the marriage and love between the Star People and Earth People. As we know, all the different Star Peoples and Earth Peoples have their origin creation narratives. The huge worldwide cosmology of Indigenous earth and sky Creation narratives have much knowledge about who and what human beings are and help us inner-stand our personal Creation journey and the families we are born from - everyone has a creation journey, every time we choose to be born, for those that choose eternal life and those who may choose only one lifetime or choose a life time as a tree, plant medicine or animal etc. Creation narratives vary because creation, creationing is infinitely creative in it's beauty full life giving nature. Human beings were/are created in a sacred manner.
I know a few european relations that are followers of "the Sophia Code" - and they created a "Syntropic" language, workshops, etc. I have not participated in that and this is as far as my interest with it goes.
My family and community have our matrilineal cultural Creation linage and life ways of belonging.
“We need to identify the processes that so often lead people who are honestly seeking to resist and destroy colonization to unconsciously re-create the elements of their own oppression.” John Mohawk - Seneca, philosopher and activist.
Took me a while to respond in between today's haul wood carry water and what's for dinner. Have a beloved evening. Tok'sa
This is such wonderful sharing, Toksa! I am in awe with brilliant gratitude! I don't know what to do with it all, lol. I cannot tell you how much it is needed, your wisdom especially about bringing out the multidimensional to the dialogues and multilogues and communion around undoing colonialization. This is the subtle part where it can hide. Whether subjugation in the name of equity or snuffing out connection to Great Spirit/Source in the name of speaking out against religious atrocities, it is insidious and I am so thankful for your voice to bring that into the space boldly. I would love to hear anything else you would like to share!
I feel that am many star lineages, but I don't consciously remember specifics. I never felt any belonging to anything on earth until I realized my belonging with Life. I always have friends and kindred relations in lots of countries, cultures, backgrounds, traditions and I don't belong in any of them. I know in my innermost and when others read for me intuitive when they say certain things that true, I cry or have other signs that my cellular memory knows its true and occasionally I see or hear, but mostly my agreement is that I don't let me left hand know what my right is doing, so I am walking in Trust mostly blindfolded, with a very strong somatic sense. "Who and what humans are and to help us inner-stand" - YES! I would love to deep my understanding if you have any other teachings on this!
"I think this also has to do with how a person and Peoples live their Relational Responsibilities with their linage of "Star People", and with Mother Earth."
Can you elaborate?
Blessings and infinite love to you, with much Gratitude! <3
Good stuff. In a very real sense perhaps this is why virtually all right-wing Think (stink) Tank talking heads are uniformly opposed to the dreaded wokeism which whatever its faults and limitations happened to be challenged all of us to question/examine all of our inherited religious cultural and political beliefs and presumptions.
All of which were/are based on the presumption that white Christian men were born to rule and by extension bring "Jesus" and civilization to the heathen "savages" all over the world.
Wonderful photos and sharply focused post, Steve. The legal/educational brainwashing of the second section speaks volumes. And the first part reminds me of domination imposed by author-ity figures who have been writing and re-writing the stories for millennia. Historically, religious 'beliefs' come to mind, as for example Al-lat was a feminine Arabian goddess. Muhammad came up with the story of a male Allah with three daughters, when before that there was reference to three phases of the moon — waxing, full, and waning — corresponding to the cycles and characteristics of a woman’s life, the latter as wise crone. Did Moses actually part a sea? Or is that metaphorical, like when you're driving and, as if by some divine intervention, every light turns green. Or maybe Moses was Indigenous, as i've heard stories of the latter communicating with and affecting the natural world. Did Jesus actually turn water into wine? As you allude to, the confusions of mis-, dis-, and mal-information have been exacerbated by the mediaplex technology, both mainstream and otherwise.
Love this piece! It is beautiful the way you tie so many things together in a spirit of untying, unbinding, so the underlying unity of all life can be revealed!
Steven, I like very much your recommendation that we take all "knowledge" as tentative. There are so many areas that this applies to and so many aspects of the system of domination, beyond the ones you mention.
From the very beginning, the "government" was not a democracy. "We the people" was written by an elite group of aristocrats who had no intention of representing the interests of all people, let alone the native inhabitants of the land.
You are astute in demonstrating how, with subtlety and deception, the Handbook's introduction pretends to care about previous injustices while continuing to uphold the system and further assimilate all people into its own assumptions.
And though it is clear that Christianity has played a key role in that system of domination, it seems to me there are many other ways of dominating. The key thing is to keep the people believing in the system itself, in the modern way of life, and not allow them to break away.
Mmmmm....did you read my piece that links to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia's research on Yeshua/Issa in Tibet? I very much object to the actual originating consciousness of Christianity being associated with Domination, as in its earliest form my understanding is it was very much an ancient-future lineage dedicated to the highest Truth/truths, which would have been in harmony with the same highest and truest within any/all lineages, and in fact Jesus was training with highly advanced masters as well as teaching a very anti-patriarchal message in Tibet. My understanding of Yeshuah/Yesu/Issa is that he was the most gently anti domination human to ever walk the earth in a spiritually whole way. That is why they crucified him. The Patriarchal takeover was early, but not original. The merger with empire came with Eusebius selling the church out to Constantine to avoid persecution. The Roman Empire used its appropriation of the term "Christ" which meant anointed one and was used to apply to any holy person dedicated to a spiritual purpose and made it singular as the emperor to control the masses - aka domination. I think we need to reclaim the Christ within rather than distance from it. The Christ belongs to all who seek the divine within and to live in harmony with Divine Will and to celebrate, nurture, support, bless, uplift and stand for LIFE!
Can you give a link to the piece you are referring to? I haven't read it.
Curious that you mention Issa. The only place I have seen that name is in a book I haven't read about a king of Syria or somewhere who lived around 60 AD and who he author believes may have been the real "Jesus".
I agree that there is a spirit of gentleness and kindness that comes through in much of the gospel story of Jesus, which is what drew me to him as a child, even though I did not see that spirit expressed in much of the "Christianity" about me.
As for the name "Christ" I am reluctant to use that at all. It basically means "annointed" and most often refers to priests and kings, two categories of charlatans I am highly suspicious of.
“Jesus” is the historical figure whereas “Christ” is the faith figure. Theological scholars would distinguish sharply between the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith.
That is so interesting...and yes to gentleness and kindness. I had one friend at my anabaptist college who embodied such gentle kindness and the ability to listen. Unfortunately when I left my first (and life threatening) marriage she was unable to keep from judging that I fell in love with and chose to pursue a relationship with the man who is now my husband. But we are all a work in progress with letting go of judgments, and isn't it wonderful that Yeshua taught us to really try to do this! I agree so much of Churchianity is unkind and ungentle. I feel like there are at least three tiers: original Christ/Yeshua, sincere but misled followers of later patriarchal adaptations and those who committed overt atrocities that represented a clear inversion of Christian teaching, including that which is the modern, patriarchalized bible - such as those who embraced the Doctrine of Christian Domination.
I just looked for the article on google and directly on their site and I couldn't find it, so I will have to use my own references. I was just discussing with someone the way in which different search engines and browsers produce different results.
"Issa said that man had filled the temples with his abominations. In order to pay homage to metals and stones, man sacrificed his fellows in whom dwells a spark of the Supreme Spirit. Man demeans those who labor by the sweat of their brows, in order to gain the good will of the sluggard who sits at the lavishly set board. But they who deprive their brothers of the common blessing shall be themselves stripped of it...
Issa taught that men should not strive to behold the Eternal Spirit with one's own eyes but to feel it with the heart, and to become a pure and worthy soul....But Issa taught: "Do not seek straight paths in darkness, possessed by fear. But gather force and support each other. He who supports his neighbor strengthens himself
At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back. Then Issa said, "Reverence Woman, mother of the universe,' in her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her depends the existence of man, because she is the sustenance of his labors. She gives birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Bless her. Honor her. Defend her. Love your wives and honor them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and later-progenitors of a whole race. Their love ennobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames the beast. Wife and mother-they are the adornments of the universe."
"As light divides itself from darkness, so does woman possess the gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your best thoughts must belong to woman. Gather from them your moral strength, which you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for therein you will humiliate yourselves. And all which you will do to mother, to wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrow-that shall you also do for the Spirit."
…Said Issa: "Not far hence is the time when by the Highest Will the people will become purified and united into one family."
…And Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazaars (the market places); wherever the simple people gathered--there he taught."
What a coincidence that you mention assumptions because that’s been a running theme lately though my mind regarding everything in this very dominant culture through which I challenge every single day people’s assumptions because I don’t subscribe to them at all! And of course people don’t like that even though I do it nicely and respectfully just to open their hearts and minds up to other realms/dimensions of possibilities that our hearts know are possible but still people become very hostile! Good thing I mostly work with animals specifically dogs rather than people. Dogs are profoundly simple and I can work with that. I find that if I can show and help people to learn through their dogs they open up a bit more.
Greetings, Jonathan,
When I look for the domination patterns at issue, I see that they are exhibited pretty much everywhere. Thus, I try to avoid the right/left, red team/blue, woke/unwoke, etc., dichotomies that are, in my view part of the orchestration of mass consciousness by those whose job it is the divide us into different camps. I have to wonder if it correct to say that the behaviors being exhibited by the so-called “woke” crowd are oriented toward an effort to “question/examine all our inherited religious, cultural, and political beliefs.” That would be a longer conversation. I would suggest a modification of your last sentence: “which were/are based on the presumption that men metaphorically labeled ‘white’ and ‘christian’ were born to dominate and bring ‘Jesus’ and domination to the undominated heathen savages all over the world.” Thanks for reaching out.
Hi, Steven, good to see this post, and your beautiful photo from atop Black Elk Peak.
Since I saw you at your talk in Waterville, I've been contemplating the theme of inner domination dynamics. How does my inner monologue (dialogue?) contain elements of domination, imposed by one part of the self upon another? It maintains the illusion of a fragmented inner life, which in turn allows external "authority" to maintain the fiction of its power over my person.
So yes, the domination patterns exist pretty much everywhere.
When the above contemplation questions a dominating thought, sometimes the weight of domination lifts for a moment, and previously self-hidden things become possible.
Many thanks,
Greetings Helen. Synchronicity is a beautiful experience. Thanks for connecting.
The images of Black Elk Peak is a welcome invitation to your first chronicle post of the Gregorian calendar year of 2025 ~ Wanishi Steve.
Wophila thanka for Basil Brave Heart’s dreaming of his grandmother and forgiveness that became the living dream that changed the name of Harney Peak to Black Elk Peak.
The Indian Law framework, must also be applied to or be entrenched in both Indian and non Indian communities to maintain belief and assimilation into domination. It is so entrenched that both left and right wings of the bird are bound by "pledges" to maintain the systems of domination.
John Trudell said that believing isn't thinking, and people are confused about what believing and thinking are. I think people are confused about what thinking and intelligence are too.
Isn’t the whole intent and purpose of the system of domination to create dependency on domination? Isn’t that dependency also a form of assimilation? This makes liberation a "struggle" with domination entrapment. Domination in structure may just eat it’s self.
Mother Earth's dreaming is a whole different reality.
In my matrilineal grief, my Grandmothers said “know where you come from, follow the umbilical threads of ancestral future memory. Know how you, a human being, is made. Your first teacher is Mother Earth, stay true to her.”
Dreaming and envisioning are only 2 of the many powerful human senses, that are now very mis-understood outside of non-domination cultures. Domination has relegated human non-linear and non physical senses to it’s never lands.
April, "the dreaming and envisioning are only 2..." of what i sometimes call off-the-radar ways to get around/beyond/whatever the domination system, as oftentimes the off-the-radar is abetted by spontaneity and impulses from the Earth and spiritual dimensions.... all of which imho loosely fits with "umbilical threads of ancestral future memory."
mmm yeah. "off-the-radar" is often called the "unseen" or occult because people have been dominated to believe (not know, think, or experience) that Spirit-reality isn't "real, valid, rational, etc". However imho the Spirit-reality senses are very powerful for navigating this nowtime of transition, so we want to keep them strong and healthy.
Yes, totally agree with "very powerful...keep them strong and healthy." And from the Tao, "The Path is hidden, and nameless."
The unseen is so much larger than the seen. So it has more capacity/power to make itself known. Also, all are open to receive from that unseen, spirit-reality, as you so aptly name it. The dominators, of course, are unhappy about this.
"The Indian Law framework, must also be applied to or be entrenched in both Indian and non Indian communities to maintain belief and assimilation into domination. It is so entrenched that both left and right wings of the bird are bound by "pledges" to maintain the systems of domination." YES! When I heard Steve Newcomb's combination translation, much like d'Erico's book - it was an aha, but it instantly clicked into place like an articulation of something I've always felt but didn't have words for. I would love your perspective on Star People and Mother Earth and how this might relate to ancient-future lineages. Are you familiar with The Sophia Code? Its author spent a lot of time in ceremony with Indigenous Elders before channeling the chapter on White Buffalo woman. She also survived elite Satanic ritual and child rape.
Anpetu Was'te - good afternoon Alicia,
Your inquiry: on what my "perspective of Star People and Mother Earth and how this might relate to ancient-future lineages." this is a wonderful inquiry, that resides in the infinite potentiality and mystery of creationing. I think this also has to do with how a person and Peoples live their Relational Responsibilities with their linage of "Star People", and with Mother Earth.
" We are made of earth and sky" John Trudell. Ancestral future memory for me, my linage, is an aspect of the dreaming (dreams, visions and navigating spirit reality). Although most people say they can't remember anything prior to 3-5yrs old, I was born a dreamer with some of my personal ancestral future memory intact because of an agreement I made. How any person may translate this experiential sensory information is usually through an intimate relationship with themselves and the person's language, worldview and culture. Some years ago, Charlie CetanWi Lame Deer, (he was a descendant now ancestar of John and Archie Fire Lame Deer), hand wrote me the story passed from John about the "Big People, Little People and Elk Man" and sent it snail mail to me - the narrative is from the time of the Great Flood and tells how modern day humans in this current world are the children, the descendants from the marriage and love between the Star People and Earth People. As we know, all the different Star Peoples and Earth Peoples have their origin creation narratives. The huge worldwide cosmology of Indigenous earth and sky Creation narratives have much knowledge about who and what human beings are and help us inner-stand our personal Creation journey and the families we are born from - everyone has a creation journey, every time we choose to be born, for those that choose eternal life and those who may choose only one lifetime or choose a life time as a tree, plant medicine or animal etc. Creation narratives vary because creation, creationing is infinitely creative in it's beauty full life giving nature. Human beings were/are created in a sacred manner.
I know a few european relations that are followers of "the Sophia Code" - and they created a "Syntropic" language, workshops, etc. I have not participated in that and this is as far as my interest with it goes.
My family and community have our matrilineal cultural Creation linage and life ways of belonging.
“We need to identify the processes that so often lead people who are honestly seeking to resist and destroy colonization to unconsciously re-create the elements of their own oppression.” John Mohawk - Seneca, philosopher and activist.
Took me a while to respond in between today's haul wood carry water and what's for dinner. Have a beloved evening. Tok'sa
This is such wonderful sharing, Toksa! I am in awe with brilliant gratitude! I don't know what to do with it all, lol. I cannot tell you how much it is needed, your wisdom especially about bringing out the multidimensional to the dialogues and multilogues and communion around undoing colonialization. This is the subtle part where it can hide. Whether subjugation in the name of equity or snuffing out connection to Great Spirit/Source in the name of speaking out against religious atrocities, it is insidious and I am so thankful for your voice to bring that into the space boldly. I would love to hear anything else you would like to share!
I feel that am many star lineages, but I don't consciously remember specifics. I never felt any belonging to anything on earth until I realized my belonging with Life. I always have friends and kindred relations in lots of countries, cultures, backgrounds, traditions and I don't belong in any of them. I know in my innermost and when others read for me intuitive when they say certain things that true, I cry or have other signs that my cellular memory knows its true and occasionally I see or hear, but mostly my agreement is that I don't let me left hand know what my right is doing, so I am walking in Trust mostly blindfolded, with a very strong somatic sense. "Who and what humans are and to help us inner-stand" - YES! I would love to deep my understanding if you have any other teachings on this!
~ with gratitude, Alicia, for your acknowledgements, and comments on knowing yourself.
I think what you are asking me personally, may be better served in a DM.
I would welcome anything you would share with me in a DM, I would be more than honored!!! <3 Love and blessings to you and your horse/pony <3 <3
"I think this also has to do with how a person and Peoples live their Relational Responsibilities with their linage of "Star People", and with Mother Earth."
Can you elaborate?
Blessings and infinite love to you, with much Gratitude! <3
Good stuff. In a very real sense perhaps this is why virtually all right-wing Think (stink) Tank talking heads are uniformly opposed to the dreaded wokeism which whatever its faults and limitations happened to be challenged all of us to question/examine all of our inherited religious cultural and political beliefs and presumptions.
All of which were/are based on the presumption that white Christian men were born to rule and by extension bring "Jesus" and civilization to the heathen "savages" all over the world.
Thank you for another great article, Steve!!
cogent musings!
Wonderful photos and sharply focused post, Steve. The legal/educational brainwashing of the second section speaks volumes. And the first part reminds me of domination imposed by author-ity figures who have been writing and re-writing the stories for millennia. Historically, religious 'beliefs' come to mind, as for example Al-lat was a feminine Arabian goddess. Muhammad came up with the story of a male Allah with three daughters, when before that there was reference to three phases of the moon — waxing, full, and waning — corresponding to the cycles and characteristics of a woman’s life, the latter as wise crone. Did Moses actually part a sea? Or is that metaphorical, like when you're driving and, as if by some divine intervention, every light turns green. Or maybe Moses was Indigenous, as i've heard stories of the latter communicating with and affecting the natural world. Did Jesus actually turn water into wine? As you allude to, the confusions of mis-, dis-, and mal-information have been exacerbated by the mediaplex technology, both mainstream and otherwise.
Love this piece! It is beautiful the way you tie so many things together in a spirit of untying, unbinding, so the underlying unity of all life can be revealed!
Steven, I like very much your recommendation that we take all "knowledge" as tentative. There are so many areas that this applies to and so many aspects of the system of domination, beyond the ones you mention.
From the very beginning, the "government" was not a democracy. "We the people" was written by an elite group of aristocrats who had no intention of representing the interests of all people, let alone the native inhabitants of the land.
You are astute in demonstrating how, with subtlety and deception, the Handbook's introduction pretends to care about previous injustices while continuing to uphold the system and further assimilate all people into its own assumptions.
And though it is clear that Christianity has played a key role in that system of domination, it seems to me there are many other ways of dominating. The key thing is to keep the people believing in the system itself, in the modern way of life, and not allow them to break away.
Mmmmm....did you read my piece that links to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia's research on Yeshua/Issa in Tibet? I very much object to the actual originating consciousness of Christianity being associated with Domination, as in its earliest form my understanding is it was very much an ancient-future lineage dedicated to the highest Truth/truths, which would have been in harmony with the same highest and truest within any/all lineages, and in fact Jesus was training with highly advanced masters as well as teaching a very anti-patriarchal message in Tibet. My understanding of Yeshuah/Yesu/Issa is that he was the most gently anti domination human to ever walk the earth in a spiritually whole way. That is why they crucified him. The Patriarchal takeover was early, but not original. The merger with empire came with Eusebius selling the church out to Constantine to avoid persecution. The Roman Empire used its appropriation of the term "Christ" which meant anointed one and was used to apply to any holy person dedicated to a spiritual purpose and made it singular as the emperor to control the masses - aka domination. I think we need to reclaim the Christ within rather than distance from it. The Christ belongs to all who seek the divine within and to live in harmony with Divine Will and to celebrate, nurture, support, bless, uplift and stand for LIFE!
Can you give a link to the piece you are referring to? I haven't read it.
Curious that you mention Issa. The only place I have seen that name is in a book I haven't read about a king of Syria or somewhere who lived around 60 AD and who he author believes may have been the real "Jesus".
I agree that there is a spirit of gentleness and kindness that comes through in much of the gospel story of Jesus, which is what drew me to him as a child, even though I did not see that spirit expressed in much of the "Christianity" about me.
As for the name "Christ" I am reluctant to use that at all. It basically means "annointed" and most often refers to priests and kings, two categories of charlatans I am highly suspicious of.
“Jesus” is the historical figure whereas “Christ” is the faith figure. Theological scholars would distinguish sharply between the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith.
That is so interesting...and yes to gentleness and kindness. I had one friend at my anabaptist college who embodied such gentle kindness and the ability to listen. Unfortunately when I left my first (and life threatening) marriage she was unable to keep from judging that I fell in love with and chose to pursue a relationship with the man who is now my husband. But we are all a work in progress with letting go of judgments, and isn't it wonderful that Yeshua taught us to really try to do this! I agree so much of Churchianity is unkind and ungentle. I feel like there are at least three tiers: original Christ/Yeshua, sincere but misled followers of later patriarchal adaptations and those who committed overt atrocities that represented a clear inversion of Christian teaching, including that which is the modern, patriarchalized bible - such as those who embraced the Doctrine of Christian Domination.
I just looked for the article on google and directly on their site and I couldn't find it, so I will have to use my own references. I was just discussing with someone the way in which different search engines and browsers produce different results.
"Issa said that man had filled the temples with his abominations. In order to pay homage to metals and stones, man sacrificed his fellows in whom dwells a spark of the Supreme Spirit. Man demeans those who labor by the sweat of their brows, in order to gain the good will of the sluggard who sits at the lavishly set board. But they who deprive their brothers of the common blessing shall be themselves stripped of it...
Issa taught that men should not strive to behold the Eternal Spirit with one's own eyes but to feel it with the heart, and to become a pure and worthy soul....But Issa taught: "Do not seek straight paths in darkness, possessed by fear. But gather force and support each other. He who supports his neighbor strengthens himself
At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back. Then Issa said, "Reverence Woman, mother of the universe,' in her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her depends the existence of man, because she is the sustenance of his labors. She gives birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Bless her. Honor her. Defend her. Love your wives and honor them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and later-progenitors of a whole race. Their love ennobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames the beast. Wife and mother-they are the adornments of the universe."
"As light divides itself from darkness, so does woman possess the gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your best thoughts must belong to woman. Gather from them your moral strength, which you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for therein you will humiliate yourselves. And all which you will do to mother, to wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrow-that shall you also do for the Spirit."
…Said Issa: "Not far hence is the time when by the Highest Will the people will become purified and united into one family."
…And Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazaars (the market places); wherever the simple people gathered--there he taught."
What a coincidence that you mention assumptions because that’s been a running theme lately though my mind regarding everything in this very dominant culture through which I challenge every single day people’s assumptions because I don’t subscribe to them at all! And of course people don’t like that even though I do it nicely and respectfully just to open their hearts and minds up to other realms/dimensions of possibilities that our hearts know are possible but still people become very hostile! Good thing I mostly work with animals specifically dogs rather than people. Dogs are profoundly simple and I can work with that. I find that if I can show and help people to learn through their dogs they open up a bit more.